Now Available!
David Garrison’s A WIND IN THE HOUSE OF ISLAM is now available.
Check it out! Jon Matas of YWAM Organic has done a series of interviews with me on my new book A Wind in the House of Islam. You can view the first video on this page. Part two in the series is on the Blog page of this website.
Thank you for your prayers!
Muslim Movements to Christ
Something is happening in the Muslim world, something unprecedented in history. Over the past 14 centuries, Islam has forged a ‘spiritual empire’ that stretches from West Africa to Indonesia. Today, the Dar al-Islam or “House of Islam,” as Muslims call their religious community, counts more than one in five persons on earth. Over the centuries of Muslim-Christian interaction, tens of millions of Christians have been assimilated into the Muslim world, but what about the opposite? Have there been any reciprocal movements — more than individuals, but rather entire Muslim communities — who have come to faith in Christ?